About Us
I am JV founder of JV Design and Built LLC. I have been passionate about Architecture since I graduated high school and even though it has not been an easy journey I have learned to make bridges from the rocks that come across my path to make this my career. Against all odds I accomplished my goal of doing what I love and for many years I worked in different Architectural/Engineering firms. I have come far but still have a long road ahead.
My mission now is to help people who are in need of a house but cannot obtain a loan. I don’t agree with how excessively difficult qualifying to buy a house is. It bothered me to the point of getting educated and earning my Realtor’s License to try and understand what I was missing. In the end I was right, all the hassle you go through, is just figuring out if you are reliable or not. You may be the perfect candidate today but only god knows the future, if you don’t pay your mortgage you still loose the house! I say avoid the headache of so much requirements and pay the monthly bill! Why focus so much on the past when what matters is the future. I honestly believe that if you are a responsible person who pays their bills you should not be denied the opportunity to become a house owner, simple as that!
I am aware of the huge change this can bring, on the way we own homes in the US. I am an Architectural Designer, a Contractor, and a Realtor. My plan is to provide my expertise save us as much money as possible with my work and in return provide as many houses as we possibly can. However, I can not do it alone and I would very greatly appreciate your support. If you would like to be part of this cause please feel free to buy my e-book it contains different design ideas for your future home. Just click on e-book and it will take you to the stores page where you may purchase it. You can also use the stores tab at the top. If you already own a house, It has a variety of housing plans for investing ideas as well. If you don’t have a use for the book but you still want to support the cause. We have affiliated with Amazon and Michaels stores, please pick your favorite and shop for any item of your choice.
Remember to save our web page jvdesignandbuilt.com/stores in your favorites so every time you shop online open our page first then go to your desired store from there and tell everyone you know to do the same. The more people involved and supporting the more houses we will be able to supply. Thank you so much for helping me make the change! I look forward to helping you make your dream home a reality.